How big do Galaxy Rasboras get?

How big do Galaxy Rasboras get?

Galaxy Rasboras, scientifically known as Celestichthys margaritatus, are small and captivating fish that have become popular in the aquarium hobby. When it comes to their size, Galaxy Rasboras are quite petite, making them ideal for smaller aquarium setups.

On average, adult Galaxy Rasboras typically reach a size of about 0.8 inches (2 centimeters) in length. Their small stature and delicate appearance make them an attractive choice for aquarists looking to add a touch of beauty to their tanks without requiring a significant amount of space. The small size of Galaxy Rasboras also contributes to their peaceful nature and ease of care.

In conclusion, Galaxy Rasboras are small fish, with adults typically reaching a size of about 0.8 inches in length. Their petite nature and vibrant colors make them an excellent choice for aquarium enthusiasts, especially those with limited space or smaller tanks. These tiny fish not only add beauty to the aquarium but also contribute to a peaceful and harmonious community. With their manageable size and stunning appearance, Galaxy Rasboras are a delightful addition to any aquarist's collection.


Learn more about Galaxy Rasboras in our complete care guide!